Van-Griner Learning Partnership with Merlot Offers More for Lab Instructors…
Van-Griner Learning Partnership with Merlot Offers More for Lab Instructors…
Van-Griner Learning and Merlot are partnering up to deliver discipline-specific STEM material on an interactive digital platform called LabRight that drastically simplifies the busy lives of instructors and the delivery process for students.
Merlot is a curated online learning provider for higher education made up of more than 94,000 learning resources that benefit more than 185,000 members and 4,000 institutions. Instructors can create their own material to post or cull what they want from the site to create their own course. For instructors who want to tailor a course, this library of animations, simulations, assignments, animations, presentations, and more is a treasure trove of low-cost or no-cost possibilities.
Where Students and Instructors Win By Using LabRight is:
- Material from a variety of sources on Merlot, other OER, original work, Van-Griner resources and even some permissioned items can be integrated seamlessly on one platform for a consistent look, feel, and ease of use.
- The LabRight platform can become a part of a school’s LMS for single-server sign-on and the option for automatic syncing of grades into the LMS gradebook.
- LabRight is so flexible that it can be customized for lessons, pre-labs, labs (with a print component if requested), post-labs, homework, quizzes and tests.
- Students are encouraged to engage with the online material by interacting with videos, audio, embedded links, and more than 20 question-types for lesson assessments, quizzes and tests.
- Benefiting from features like auto grading, algorithmic questioning, variable grading, integrated graphing tools, on screen editors for notetaking, 3D rotatable models for A&P, and more.
- Student metrics generated by the platform aid instructors in areas like finding the material that students need more help mastering and knowing who is completing their work.
- Getting a platform with incredible versatility that can do things other digital platforms can’t at a fraction of the cost.
Van-Griner Learning is listed on the Community Portals section of Merlot’s website under Industry Partners. Van-Griner is also listed on the Virtual Labs section Merlot’s website under Commercial Virtual Labs Vendors.
About Merlot
Merlot was launched in 1997 by the California State University Center for Distributed Learning and grew to become a partnership including The University of Georgia System, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, and University of North Carolina System. By July 2000, twenty-three systems and institutions of higher learning had become institutional partners. The Merlot Project has attracted a wide and diverse audience ever since.
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About Van-Griner Learning
Van-Griner Learning, a custom publisher founded more than a decade ago, grew exponentially from its customer retention and references. It has been working hand-in-hand with higher education laboratory administrators for the past few years to create THE platform that meets their specific STEM needs. LabRight is the end result. Van-Griner Learning unlocks the power of publishing by designing affordable digital & print solutions to meet your specific needs.
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About LabRight
An all-in-one platform for STEM labs. Whether you are searching for a permanent platform, or need help getting through a semester, we have an established, simple solution that is ideal for today’s and tomorrow’s lab environment. Since it integrates into all the major LMS platforms, students find it easy to use, and instructors enjoy automatic gradebook synchronization. LabRight, an all-in-one seamless digital platform, is ideal because it is customizable and offers simple, lab-specific digital tools. We set it all up for you and provide training. LabRight turns the challenges you’re facing into new teaching and learning opportunities. LabRight is so flexible it can be used for face-to-face, virtual or hybrid labs, and is ideal for pre-, in- or post-lab work.
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Van-Griner Learning
Van-Griner Learning is a full-service, affordable, publisher of digital and print solutions. We unlock the power of publishing by designing affordable digital and print solutions to meet your specific needs. We provide Labs, Textbooks, Worktext, Homework, OER, Readers, Courseware and more!
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