We publish hundreds of print and on-line books and manuals a year. In our store you will find a small sampling of some of them. The titles listed are either materials our instructors asked us to sell directly to students or that have national appeal.
Our labs are professionally developed with custom illustrations, slides, photos, simulations, and other interactive resources. We proof and edit each lab for quality control and consistency.
We offer traditional labs and inquiry-based labs as well. They are available:
- Online through LabRight, including virtual labs
- In all binding types
- Color
- Black and white
- Carbonless copies
- Print + LabRight
Lab work automatically graded
Prepared students for the lab
More uniform lab sections
A reduction in cheating
Real-time course metrics
More student interactivity
LMS integration and training
Lab options, getting started:
- Use our digital and print labs as they are
- Customize our labs to fit your course
- We can permission labs from a third party
- Have labs created for you by our series editors
Other stem courses. We also have image and illustration libraries to draw from
Whatever format you choose, we will make sure you get what you need,
including editing to make sure all your labs look and feel consistent. You can add your labs to our library as well.
Some of our lab disciplines, include:
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Microbiology
- Physics
We produce textbooks in:
- Any discipline
- Introductory and upper- level courses
- Digital and Print formats
- All binding types
- Black and white
- Color
Like with all our products,
we provide a full suite of services including:
- One designated project manager—point of contact
- Editorial guidance
- Permissioning
- Proofing
- Layout and design
- Digital production
- Marketing
You can customize any of our texts. We also use a special author portal that makes the coordination and delivery of your book easy.
As an author you can receive royalties and split them however you want, including with the department or to create student funds. If you want to learn more on how to become a VGL author, click here and we will reach out to you to explain your options.
Some of our instructors have found a hybrid solution, combining traditional textbook content with questions, assignments, and activities like a workbook, to create an active platform for students to practice what they learn. The worktext replaces the need for handouts and/or a second book. Our worktexts can be print or a combination of print and online.
We have our own multi-discipline homework solution that can be offered by itself or combined with a text. It has all the features you would expect, including many course-specific problem types. Our homework platform has:
- 20+ auto-graded question types with course discipline assessments
- Partial-credit questions
- Algorithmic and pool questions
- Adaptive and guided solutions
- Hints and forced grading at assignment deadline
We also offer:
- Rubric grading
- Tools for easy grading of open-response questions
- The ability to message students and other instructors
Open Educational Resources
We partner with OpenStax, the most recognizable name in OER, to provide foundational content for your project. If you’re looking for a few paragraphs to finish a project or several chapters to start a project, we can incorporate OpenStax into your work. You can also include OpenStax in any of our digital platforms.
Used by themselves or to complement textbook usage we can work with you to create a low-cost Reader that includes:
- Original writings from a school, including student works
- Third-party materials that we permission
- Apparatus
- Digital and/or Print versions
Readers are excellent solutions for:
- College Success
- English
- History
- Psychology
- Political Science